
Whānau/Teacher Meetings
Early Term 1 - Kāwai Huia Teacher Meetings 
(for students new to NPGHS)

This event is an opportunity for whānau new to NPGHS to meet our Kāwai Huia Teacher’s and start to build those essential connections which support student engagement in learning. It is also a chance to 
ask questions that you might have about high school.

Mid Term 2  - Whānau/Subject Teacher Learning Conferences

These conferences are an opportunity for whānau, students and subject teachers to meet and discuss student progress in their individual subjects.

Report Documents
e-asTTle Report - Year 9 and 10 students

The e-asTTle tool enables a measure of a student’s curriculum level in reading and mathematics. Testing occurs early in Term 1 for all Year 9 students, mid Term 1 for all Year 10 students and again early in Term 3 for all Year 9 and 10 students. Reports are made available soon after to share progress with whānau and families.

Engagement Report - All year levels

Engagement reports are emailed home every two weeks and show the progression of student engagement in each subject. Engagement is defined as a student’s willingness to participate in activities in a sustained and positive way. This may look different across different learning areas and year levels.

Engagement will be based on a scale of 1-5.   
3 = Meeting Expectations and the majority of students will receive a 3.

The definition of “Engagement” is derived from the three Key Competencies: Managing Self, Relating to Others and Participating and contributing. Students who exceed expectations in one of these competencies will score a 4. If students exceed expectations in two or more competencies, they can score a 5. The idea is similar for those not meeting expectations.

    1 – Rarely Meets Expectations

    2 – Meets Some Expectations 

    3 – Meets Expectations

    4 – Exceeds Some Expectations

    5 – Exceeds Expectations

Grades and Comments Report - All year levels

All learning areas publish grades and comments for every assessment at each year level. These comments relate to the Key Competencies of Thinking, and Using language, symbols and text. The focus is on the skills, knowledge, attitudes, and values specific to a subject area. Each comment offers guidance that will enable students to improve their learning in that subject. While this data is live in our KAMAR Portal, a document is sent home at the start of Term 3 and the end of Term 4 summarising what is in KAMAR at that stage of the year.

End of Year Reports - All Year Levels

The end of year report contains the following data:  

      o  Cover Letter - Year 13 leavers only

      o  Attendance summary

      o  Extra-curricular activities

      o  Special responsibilities

      o  Awards

      o  Student goal reflections if available

      o  Student goal (for the following year) if available

      o  NCEA summary for those completing achievement or unit standards.

Find out more about Key Competencies 
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